Episode 12: Lorig Hawkins of Middle Ground Farm


Growing Organic Produce in Texas

Lorig Hawkins, Owner and Founder of Middle Ground Farm in Austin, TX, joins Errol for a discussion of her work as a farmer, and about local food availability and the politics of food in Texas. Lorig is a longtime farmer and food policy expert, with experience as an Austin/Travis Food Policy Board Member and Farmshare Austin Board Chairperson. Growing food in Texas can be hard, and reforming the food system is not any easier, and in this episode Lorig shares her wisdom and insights from doing both.

Episode #4 Notes

1:00 - How did you get into farming?

5:00 - How did you acquire land?

10:00 - How did you get involved with food access, nonprofits, and municipal boards?

14:30 - How do you describe the food system in and around Austin, TX?

19:00 - There is an emergence of non-white, non-hetero-normative farmers getting into farming. How do you see this changing the food system? Why do you think this is happening now?

24:00 - What’s fun and easy to grow in Central Texas? How do you decide what to grow?

35:00 - What’s on your bookshelf right now?

24:00 - How does agricultural subsidies affect food pricing and, in effect, food sovereignty?

45:00 - Lorig’s book on agriculture.

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Episode 13: Dr. Naya Jones on Food Sovereignty and Collective Healing


Episode 10: Chris Maestro, Founder of Bierwax