Episode 23: Ma'raj Sheikh and Good Food Policy Action in Chicago


“What we’ve learned is that food justice is really racial, economic and land justice.”

From https://www.chicagofoodpolicy.com/our-staff : Ma’raj Sheikh is a daughter of immigrants, descendent of liberation leaders, and a Castanea Fellow. Land, food, and justice are in her blood. Ma’raj has worked across many areas of food system development including soil bioremediation, bioenergy, stakeholder relations, consulting in the edible insect industry, and advancing racial equity in land, food, and water access. As a National Science Foundation Fellow, Ma’raj moved to Iowa from Southern California to learn about industrial agriculture from the belly of the beast - studying Sustainable Agriculture and Community and Regional Planning at Iowa State University. Prior to starting at CFPAC in January of 2020, Ma’raj served as Director of Equity and Community Engagement at Community GroundWorks (now Rooted), where her work focused on improving stable land tenure for Hmong refugee farmers and leading Gardens Network, a partnership with the City of Madison and UW-Extension, that provides support services to a member base of 65+ community gardens across Dane County, WI.

From https://www.chicagofoodpolicy.com/services : CFPAC co-develops, facilitates, advocates for, and supports implementation of policies that advance food justice and food sovereignty in Chicago and across the region. CFPAC envisions a food system where all Chicagoans, regardless of race, class, gender, and/or social identity, have the right to healthy and culturally-appropriate food produced through community-driven, ecologically regenerative, and economically viable processes. The Council recognizes the history and modern maintenance of structural racism in Chicago and across the country that have led to massive inequities in land access, food business ownership, food security, and political power along lines of racial identity. CFPAC works to address these inequities and dismantle racist structures in the food system by building local political power, supporting frontline workers throughout the food system, and facilitating Black/Brown partnerships and understanding.

Donate: https://chicagofoodpolicy.z2systems.com/np/clients/chicagofoodpolicy/donation.jsp?campaign=1&

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Episode #23 Notes

1:00 - Chicago Food Policy Action Council - how did you get interested in food policy and reforms?

3:45 - How did the Chicago Food Policy Action Council come about?

5:45 - What is the vision and mission?

6:45 - What are the challenges in the food system that you are trying to address?

10:30 - Who are the main stakeholders around goal setting, accountability, and impact?

12:30 - How has your organization responded to COVID?

15:45 - Tell us about your involvement with the Good Food Purchasing Program?

18:15 - How has CFPAC addressed land access, urban farming, food business licensing, etc.?

22:30 - Urban Stewards Action Network (USAN).

25:00 - Are there other cities that are doing the type of work you are?

26:00 - What is the potential impact of GFPP on Chicago and the surrounding area?

29:00 - Suggested readings?

For The Wild Podcast, Ayana Young

Farming While Black, Leah Penniman

Freedom Farmers, Monica White

Who Really Feeds The World, Vandana Shiva

Lo—tek. Design by Radical Indigenism, Julia Watson


Episode 24: Nishiki Maredia on Retail Innovation and Social Justice Organizing


Episode 22: Michelle Akindiya of Farmshare Austin